

A Primary Study on the Three Wards of Huixun,Daoshu and Daode in Luoyang during Sui and Tang Dynasties
摘要 隋唐洛阳城在中国古代都城建设史上具有重要地位,城内里坊是其重要组成部分。该城历经隋、唐、五代(后梁、后唐、后晋)和北宋,加之其间洛河泛滥和变迁,各时期里坊的数量和部分里坊的位置发生变更,致使古代文献中对城内里坊名称、数量说法不一。弄清里坊的数量和历史变更关系,对研究隋唐洛阳城的最初规划思想和历代变更脉络具有重要意义。惠训、道术、道德三坊北临洛河,在古文献中屡次出现和引用。本文通过大量考古资料,结合古代文献对三坊的初设、位置、历史变更等进行论证,认为惠训坊为隋代初建东京城内之里,后在其北增设道术,唐代将两坊合称"道德",武周时曾改为"道训",后复为"道德",并延至宋。通过对惠训、道术、道德三坊变更脉络的梳理,可为确定隋唐城内洛河的走向、漕渠的入口及城内里坊布局提供参考。 As the eastern capital of the Sui and Tang dynasties, Luoyang is one of the most important capital cities in ancient China. The city was laid out like a chessboard and its residential area was divided into a number of walled wards called li or fang. However, due to the pass of time (Sui, Tang, the Five Dynasties and Northern Song), flooding of the Luo river and changes of the river course, historical records vary about the numbers, locations and names of those wards in different periods. To further understand the design and evolution of the Sui-Tang Luoyang city, it is significant to clarify the numbers and changes of these wards. Based on historical documents and archaeological data, the current authors examine the three wards Huixun, Daoshu and Daode, which were all located north of the Luo river and frequently appear in historical documents. It is believed that the ward Huixun was first built in the Sui before Daoshu was built to its north. By the Tang the two were merged into one, renamed as "Daode" and then "Daoxun" during the reign of Wu Zetian. Later, it resumed its original name "Daode" and remained unchanged till the Song dynasty. The clarification of relations between these three wards may help to determine the course of the Luo river, the place where the Cao canal entered the city and the distribution of wards in Luoyang during the Sui and Tang.
作者 吕劲松 张如意 LuJinsong Zhang Ruyi
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第12期38-46,共9页 Journal of National Museum of China
关键词 隋唐洛阳城 里坊 惠训坊 道术坊 道德坊 Sui-Tang Luoyang city ward Huixun Daoshu Daode
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