

Inscriptions on Bamboo,Wood,Stone and Paper:Properties and Value as Source Material
摘要 侯旭东在"聚落自名"论证中以晋宋人徐广注解《史记》"伯格长"为依据解读大葆台汉墓"樵中格"竹简与太室石阙铭"阳陵格",王子今则对三例史料字义提出不同见解。两位学者论证时均忽略了纸本《史记》、《汉书》在两千年流传过程中可能因后世字体变化而出现文字舛误。拙见以为传世本史汉《酷吏传》"伯格长"与"伯落长"乃"佰(陌)校长"之误。"樵"字义之一指木制高架建筑,大葆台汉墓竹简文字"樵中"当指汉诸侯王题凑墓葬,"格"指将作大匠属官木工管辖的制作正方形黄肠木的工匠。因诸侯王墓改用正方形黄肠石,东汉"格"字义之一指制作黄肠石的石师,"阳陵格"当指阳陵县管辖的制作黄肠石工匠,嵩山三石阙不是郡太守行使行政职权建造的建筑物,石阙铭文格式与汉代郡太守下发的正式公文不同,铭文结尾处的人名与官府行政管理无关。 In his discussion about "settlement names" Hou Xudong refers to Xu Guang's gloss to the term "bogezhang" [伯格长] mentioned in the Shi Ji [史记] to explain the meanings of "qiaozhongge" [樵中格] on bamboo slips excavated from the Han dynasty tomb at Dabaotai and of "yanglingge" [阳陵格] in the inscription on Han dynasty gate tower Taishi. Hou's explanation differs from Wang Zijin's interpretation of the three terms. However, both scholars have overlooked the possibility of miswritten or misprinted characters in the paper versions of Shi Ji and Book of Han that are subject to two millennia of circulation. The current author argues that the correct written form of "bogezhang'" and "boluozhang" [伯落长] in the surviving texts of Shiji and Book of Han is "moxiaozhang" [佰/陌校长]. The author also argues that "qiao" [樵] refers to an elevated wooden structure and "qiaozhong" [樵中] as seen in the Dabaotai bamboo slips is the burial chamber of a vassal prince; "Ge" [格] is the official name of an artisan in charge of building rectangular burial chambers for princes. During the Eastern Han dynasty, burial chambers were constructed of stone and therefore "Ge" in Eastern Han inscriptions indicates a foreman of masons, as, for example, in the case of "Yangling Ge" that refers to an official in charge of masons commissioned to build a burial chamber and subject to the county of Yangling. The three gate towers at Songshan were not constructed by a commandery governor on an inspection trip and therefore the inscriptions on them were not commissioned by the officials. The personal names at the end of the inscription have nothing to do with government administration.
作者 蒋非非 Jiang Feifei
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第12期48-57,共10页 Journal of National Museum of China
关键词 史记 汉书 黄肠题凑 石刻 Shi ji [史记] Book ofHan ge [格] burial chamber of a vassal prince stone inscription
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