
基于多波束GEO卫星的大容量互联网接入系统 被引量:2

A Large Capacity Internet Access System Based on Multi-beam GEO Satellite
摘要 针对大容量地球同步轨道(GEO)卫星系统目的关口站距用户远、同步耗时长、下行传输效率低等问题,提出基于多波束GEO卫星的大容量互联网接入系统。所提方案星上进行非再生式信号处理、基带程控交换、闭环同步控制、信令信息处理和信道调度管理以及下行链路采用时分复用传输方式。对于支持大量分散或移动用户接入互联网的应用,业务质量显著改善,且因信道利用率大大提高,实际运行时的用户容量、数据吞吐率也可能更大。仿真结果表明多频-准正交时分复用传输方式的性能更好,且根据我们已进行过的有关单元的现场可编程门阵列设计实现经验,所提系统现实可行。 To overcome the problems of destination gateway far away from users, slow synchronization and low transmission efficiency of large geo-synchronous Earth orbit (GEO) satellite system, an Internet access system with large capacity based on multi-beam antenna GEO satellite was proposed. It employed on-board non-regenerating processing, baseband programcontrolled circuit switching, close-loop synchronization controlling, signaling processing, channel scheduling, and the time division multiplexing transmission scheme in the downlink. For a large number of distributed or mobile users to access the Internet, the proposed scheme can provide better quality of service and higher ratio of channels utilization; meanwhile, the user capacity and data throughput will become greater in practical running. The simulation results show that multi-frequency quasi-orthogonal time division multiplexing has a better performance and the scheme is feasible according to our similar field programmable gate array design experience.
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期1387-1394,共8页 Journal of Signal Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61301170) 中国空间技术研究院基金资助项目(0883383005)
关键词 多波束地球同步轨道移动卫星 多频-时分多址 程控交换 准正交时分复用 multi-beam geo-synchronous Earth orbit satellite multi frequency-time division multiple access program controlled switching quasi-orthogonal time division multiplexing
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