

Study of Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of Legal Education among Secondary Vocational Schools in Rural Areas from the Perspective of General Moral Education——A Case Study of Some Secondary Vocational School in Conghua District, Guangzhou
摘要 农村中等职业技术学校(以下简称“中职学校”)学生的法律意识培养是提高中职学校大德育实效的重要环节之一,也是将学生培养成为具有法律素养的复合型人才的需要。农村中职学校现有的以学校法制教育为主力、家庭和社会法制教育为助力的模式出现了困境。借鉴美国和英国有特色有成效的法制教育经验,建议学校实施分年级阶梯式、多样化教育,发挥学校主力作用,同时做好学校和家庭、社会的互动教育,提高农村中职法制教育的实效。 The development of awareness of law among students in secondary vocational schools in rural areas is an important part in improving the effectiveness of general moral education. It is also imperative to cultivate versa- tile graduates with legal knowledge. Currently legal education among the students is carried out mainly in those schools and families and communities play a minor role. Such a pattern is faced with difficulties. With a view to increasing the effectiveness, the article suggests learning from the distinctive legal education systems in the U.S. and the U.K. that prove effective; graded, step-by-step and multiple education system is to be adopted; schools are to play a major role and interactive education is equally important between schools and families/communities.
作者 何霞
出处 《珠海职业教育》 2016年第4期82-87,共6页 Vocational Education in Zhuhai
关键词 农村中职学校 法制教育实效 阶梯式教育 secondary vocational schools in rural areas effectiveness of legal education step-by-step education
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