

Mobile Internet-Based Information Service System of Urban Underground Pipeline Construction
摘要 城市地下管线是城市的血管,是城市有机体健康运行的重要组成部分。随着城市精细化管理进程的推进和移动应用需求的日益提升,越来越要求数据获取的及时性、高效性和准确性,而目前城市综合管线的移动互联网应用存在数据量大、加载速度慢等问题。本文针对城市管线的移动物联网应用存在的效率问题提出基于终端设备分辨率的综合管线特征数据无损提取技术和渐进式数据加载技术,并利用此技术构建了"移动互联网的城市综合地下管线信息服务系统",该系统在南京市管线动态维护和地质勘察钻孔点选取工作中得到实际验证和应用。 Urban underground pipeline is the city's blood vessels and an important part of urban organism maintai- ning its healthy operation. With the advancement of meticulous managenlent and the increasing demand of mobile appli- cations, more and more data acquisition is required in time,efficiency and accuracy. At present, there are large amount of data and slow load in the application of mobile Internet in urban integrated pipelines. And other issues. In this paper, based on the problem of the efficiency of the application of moving objects in the urban pipeline,this paper presents the non-destructive extraction technique and progressive data loading technology of the integrated pipeline characteristic data based on the resolution of the terminal equipment,and constructs the intcgraled underground pipeline information service of the mobile Internet System, the system in the Nanjing pipeline dynamic maintenance and geological survey drilling point selection work to be the actual validation and application.
出处 《城市勘测》 2016年第6期27-31,共5页 Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
基金 2014年南京市软件产业领军人物补助专项资助
关键词 移动互联网 地下管线 数据化简 服务系统 mobile internet underground pipeline services system
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