将园林管理中不同树种的典型图片经过抽取轮廓形成符号模型,通过Font Creater工具创建True Type字体后,在行道树和险树危树管理系统中运用配色方案,比例尺控制,图层的条件筛选语句等方法对树种及其状态进行控制,最终在系统中进行展现为实例,研究关于地图符号化系统应用中所发挥的重要作用。
In this paper,we use the FontCreater tool to create TrueType fonts, and then use the color scheme, scale control, layer conditional filter statement and so on in the street tree and the danger tree management system to extract the typical images of different tree species in garden management. The tree species and its state control, the final show in the system as an example to study the symbolic map system on the map to play an important role.
Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying