
G20主导下的全球金融治理变革与中国的战略应对 被引量:2

Global financial governance reform under the leading of G20 and China's strategic response
摘要 G20在当前全球金融治理变革中占据主导作用,中国加入G20标志着其已经开始进入全球经济金融治理的核心圈,能够为中国带来长远利益,同时也是中国作为一个发展中大国理应承担的责任。2016年9月,G20杭州峰会顺利召开,并在促进全球金融治理变革方面取得了一系列突破性成果。中国应充分利用这一契机,在战略和策略上做好相应调整,通过夯实参与全球金融治理变革的经济基础、充分发挥人民币在全球金融治理中的作用、积极参与国际金融组织改革、发展中国主导的区域性国际金融机构、促进区域金融合作协调机制建设、积极推进国际金融监管体制改革等措施,更高层次地主动参与全球金融治理改革。 G20 summit has played a leading role in global financial governance reform. China's accession to the G20 marks the beginning of entering the core circle of global economic and financial governance. It can bring longterm benefits for China. China should bear the responsibility as a developing country. G20 summit in Hangzhou was successfully held in September 2016,and has made a series of breakthroughs in promoting the transformation of global financial governance. China should use the opportunity and make corresponding adjustments in strategies. In order to participate in the reform of global financial governance in a higher level,what china should do positively are listed as follows: accelerating the development of economy in China,giving full play to the role of the RMB in global financial governance,participating actively in the international financial organizations reform,promoting the development of China's dominant regional international financial institutions,promoting the construction of regional financial cooperation and coordination mechanism,pushing forward the reforms of international financial supervision system,etc.
作者 陈玲芳
出处 《福建农林大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第6期52-58,共7页 Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金青年项目(13CGL024) 福建师范大学校内培育项目(闽师科〔2016〕14号)
关键词 G20 全球治理 金融 G20 Global governance Finance
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