"One" and "many" is the philosophical basis of the differences between the art form creation in China and the West, which means that the basis of ancient Chinese people's art form creation originates from "one" to "many" -"one for many" while the basis of ancient Westerners' art form creation originates from "many" to "one" - "many for one". In terms of aesthetics, we can also say that, the "one for many" in Chinese art form creation means "similarity for difference" while that in the West is "many for one" which means "differences for similarity" in aesthetics. The special processing of the art form creation and the u- nique aesthetic features and its philosophical basis constitute the nature of the differences between Chinese and Western arts. This rule of the form creation between the Chinese and Western arts, however, is decided by the cultural evolution of the history and it is in line with the historical aesthetic requirement and art appre- ciation habit in different cultures. Because of this, the creation principle in Chinese arts is "abstract" while that in the West is "realistic". The "abstract" principle in Chinese arts requires the "individual similarity of form" based on the "one", which asks for the "alikeness in spirit" that is the "difference" derived from the "similarity". On the contrary, the creation principle of Western arts is "realistic" which requires the" in- dividual" - the similarity of "one" that is based on the "similarity of form" which is based on the "many". This principle asks for "authentic similarity", a "similarity" derived from the "difference".
Ethnic Art Studies
Chinese and Western arts, creation of form, one for many, many for one, philosophical basis