作为新兴的舞蹈研究领域,在世界范围内方兴未艾的"民族舞蹈学"(Ethnochoreology)和"舞蹈人类学"(Dance Anthropology)彼此有交叉也容易有概念和认识上的混淆。这两门学科都是从美国率先发展起来的,这亦反映出这些学问在创立之初追随音乐学领域建立起来的"非欧洲主流舞蹈"的研究视角和取向。尽管彼此交叉,但我们还是看到了在音乐学领域中这两门学问彼此交融而又各自成型的理论诉求。这样两种学问彼此交叉的现象源于它们在研究对象上的接近和研究方法上的趋同,情况较为复杂。对于中国舞蹈文化的实践而言,这些新兴的学科都给我们带来崭新的研究视角和方法,对这些学科概念的认识和梳理,会让我们更容易地看清这些学科的内涵及其差异。
As a burgeoning field of dance studies, Ethnochoreology and Dance Anthroplogy, which are popular topics in the world, are usually overlapped and confused in terms of concepts and understandings. These two disciplines all originated from the USA, which reflects the "non -European mainstream dance" research perspective and orientation that these disciplines established in the field of music studies in the early years. Except the overlap, we still can see the individual theoretical appeals these two disciplines argue for in the field of music studies. The overlap can be attributed to the fact that these two disciplines are close to each other in terms of research object and methodology. However, the situation is complicated. In regard to the Chinese dance cultural practice, these new disciplines brought us with innovative research perspective and methods. Therefore, the understanding and studies of these concepts will enable us to better understand the connotation and differences between these disciplines.
Ethnic Art Studies