"没能拿到冠军,我并不为此感到失落,因为我亲眼见证了5.9 L油耗成绩的诞生,很庆幸自己做出了正确的选择。"2016年10月28日,东风凯普特·第2届中国卡友节油挑战赛华东区半决赛在苏州举办。最终,来自宁波的刘则辉凭借5.961 L的傲人成绩夺得冠军;钱春明(无锡)和王中(宿迁)紧随其后,分获二、三名。从第1届到第2届,从海选赛到半决赛,记者连续跟踪报道了该项赛事。
Oct.28, 2016, the 2^(nd) season of China Truck Driver Fuel-saving Challenge, sponsored by Dongfeng Captain, held its semi-finals in Suzhou, Jiangsu province. Reporter of <Commercial Vehicle> magazine, though having reported this event for many times, had caught this time a 'different taste' through careful observation and thinking, which was believed to be the unique attraction of the Dongfeng Captain brand.
Commercial Vehicle