
岩扇贝幼贝滤食率的基础研究 被引量:16

Fundamental research on filter-feeding rate of juvenile rock scallop
摘要 为了解岩扇贝Crassadoma gigantea幼贝的摄食率,采用静水法研究了在不同温度(6、10、14、18、22℃)、体质量(小、中、大3种规格)、饵料(新月菱形藻Nitzschia closterium、湛江等边金藻Isochrysis zhanjiangensis、亚心形扁藻Platymonas subcordiformis、小球藻Chlorella vulgaris)和饵料浓度(15×104、30×104、45×104、60×104、75×104cells/m L)条件下岩扇贝的滤食率及其昼夜节律。结果表明:温度、体质量、饵料种类和饵料浓度对岩扇贝幼贝滤食率有显著或极显著影响(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);在试验温度和体质量范围内,幼贝单位体质量的滤食率均随温度和体质量的增加而增大;幼贝对4种单胞藻的滤食率±次为新月菱形藻〉湛江等边金藻〉亚心形扁藻〉小球藻,且对4种单胞藻的滤食率有显著性或极显著性差异(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);当新月菱形藻浓度为30×104cells/m L时,幼贝的滤食率达到最大,极显著高于其他饵料浓度组(P〈0.01);幼贝的滤食率存在显著的昼夜变化(P〈0.05),一天中存在一个滤食高峰时段,即17:00~21:00[40.161×108cells/(g·h)],且显著高于其他时段(P〈0.05),存在两个低峰时段,即9:00~13:00[32.496×108cells/(g·h)]和1:00~5:00[29.934×108cells/(g·h)],均显著低于其他时段(P〈0.05)。研究表明,岩扇贝的适温范围及对饵料的适应性较广,可作为中国重要扇贝引进品种加以培养。 The filter-feeding rate and feeding rhythm of juvenile rock scallop Crassadoma gigantea with various body weight( dry software weight) of 0. 005 g(S ),0.012 g(M) and 0. 026 g(L ) were studied under different al-gae including Nitzschia closterium, Isochrysis zhanjiangensis, Platymonas subcordiformis,and Chlorella vulgaris,at concentration of ( 15℃×104,30×104,45×104,60×104,and 75×104 cells/mL) and water temperatures of 6 ,1 0,14, 18 益,and 22 益 in order to understand the filter-feeding rate of juvenile rock scallop by a hydrostatic method. It was found that there were significant or very significant effects of temperature,body weight,alga species,and alga concentration on the filter-feeding rate of juvenile rock scallop ( P〈0. 05 or P〈0. 01). The filter-feeding rate per unit body weight of juvenile rock scallop was shown to increase with warming temperature and increase in body weight within the test temperature range ( 6 -22℃). The filter-feeding rate order of the scallop fed the four unicel-lular algae was expressed as N. closterium〉I. zhanjiangensis〉P. subcordiformis〉C. vulgaris,with significant or very significant differences among the four unicellular algae ( P 〈0.05 or P 〈0.01). The maximum filter-feeding rate per unit body weight was observed at N. closterium concentration of 30×104 cellmL,significantly higher than those in other groups( P 〈0. 01). There were significant diurnal variation in filter-feeding rate ( P〈0.05) ,with peak at 17:00-21:00 [40. 161×108 cell(g·h)],significantly higher than those in other time(P 〈0.05) ,and two low values at 9:00-13:00 [32.496×108 cells/(g h)] ,and 1:00-5:00 [29. 934×108 cells/(g·h ) ] ,significant lower than thos in other time( P〈0. 05). The findings indicate that rock scallop is suitable for induction and culturedue to wide suitable water temperature range and food items.
作者 曹善茂 梁伟锋 汪健 刘钢 李晓雨 CAO Shan-mao LIANG Wei-feng WANG Jian LIL Gang LI Xiao-yu(Key Laboratory of Marine Bio-resources Restoration and Habitat Reparation in Liaoning Province,Dalian Ocean Lniversity,Dalian 116023,China)
出处 《大连海洋大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期612-617,共6页 Journal of Dalian Ocean University
基金 辽宁省海洋与渔业厅项目(201214) 大连市海洋与渔业局项目(2012011)
关键词 岩扇贝 滤食率 体质量 温度 饵料浓度 Crassadoma gigantea filter-feeding rate body weight temperature food concentration
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