Two lithologies,four igneous bodies in S deep water oilfield,Santos Basin of Brazil are determined using drilling,logging,core and seismic reflection comprehensively.Basalt is inside the A layer,C layer and bottom of the D layer.Diabase is on the top of D layer.Comparing with basalt,the scale of diabase is smaller in vertical and horizontal directions.The characteristics of igneous in the log are two high and one low(high-density,high gamma,low sonic wave).Their physical property is poor and the average porosity of basalt is not more than 5%.A few pore in the basalt is not connectivity while fracture is rarely recognized,so the igneous are very hard.The characteristics of carbonate interlayer between the thick basalts in seismic profile are chaotic reflection configuration.And thick basalts are shaped blank reflection.The characteristics of diabase are single event and strong reflection.The views could be determined that the igneous ware formed at the two sides of normal faults by combined analysis seismic attributes and the volcano eruption was linked the faults.
Computing Techniques For Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration