
格桑花的起源及其内涵研究 被引量:3

Study on the Origin and Connotation of Gesang Flowers
摘要 为了对格桑花名称作恰当的解释,根据西藏历史及传说记载,并结合现代研究及西藏野生花卉分布,对符合格桑花特性的植物进行对比、考证与分析,认为格桑花是伴随着西藏文明起源产生的一种花,原产西藏,在青藏高原已有上千年的栽培历史,似菊、开黄花、药用价值高.发现与其较符合的植物有:喜马拉雅垂头菊(Cremanthodium decaisnei C.B.Clarke)、千里光(Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don)、全缘绿绒蒿[Meconopsis integrifolia(Maxim.)Franch]、金露梅(Potentilla fruticosa L.)、委陵菜(Potentilla chinensis Ser.)等高原药用植物.同时格桑花也可认为是藏民族的文化符号和期盼幸福吉祥的情感寄托. In order to adequately explain the name of Gesang flowers, according to the Tibetan legend and history, combined with the modern research and distribution of the Tibetan wild flower plants, we have made comparative study and analysis on the characteristics of Gesang flowers. The results show that Gesang flowers, originated from Tibet, have been keeping pace with the Tibetan culture origin. In the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,it has been thousand years of plantation and it is similar to chrysanthemum with yellow flowers and high me-dicinal value. We found the similar medical plants of the plateau with it are Cremanthodium decaisnei C. B. Clarke, Senecio scandens Buch. -Ham. ex D. Don, Meconopsis integrifolia( Maxim. ) Yranch. 'Potentilla fruticosa L. ,Potentilla chinensis Ser. , etc. At the same time, it has been regarded as the Tibetan cultural symbol and emotional sustenance.
作者 秦新惠 林燕
出处 《昆明学院学报》 2016年第6期90-93,99,共5页 Journal of Kunming University
关键词 藏族 格桑花 内涵 追溯 Tibetan ethnicity Gesang flowers connotation trace
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