
我国不同规模城市市民急救能力与意愿的分析 被引量:14

Investigation and analysis on citizens" abilities and willingness to implement first aid in different scales of cities in China
摘要 目的 分析我国不同规模城市市民急救知识知晓现状,了解市民对现场急救知识的需求程度.方法 以微信推送自制调查问卷方式在网上开展问卷调查,比较不同城市市民的一般情况、学习急救知识的需求、途径及期望途径和对急救知识的知晓程度及学习急救知识的意愿、目的、原因等差异.结果 共回收来自全国各大城市有效调查问卷2 862份,根据问卷的城市来源将调查数据进行分类统计,来自以北京、上海为代表的一线城市的调查对象共有230人,来自武汉、长沙、重庆等为代表的二线城市的调查对象共l 640人,来自三线及以上城市(简称三线)调查的对象共有992人.一线城市调查的对象年龄主要为21~30岁和31 ~ 40岁(分别为106人和99人),文化程度以高中和大学为主(分别为47人和132人);来二线城市调查对象的年龄主要为21~30岁和31 ~40岁(分别为778人和606人),文化程度以大学和研究生为主(分别为1 087人和240人);三线城市调查对象的年龄主要为21~30岁和31~ 40岁(分别为469人和351人),文化程度以高中和大学为主(分别为230人和549人).来自一线、二线、三线城市的调查对象中均只有约30%接受过急救知识的培训,但各城市中96%以上的调查对象表示希望了解急救相关知识,98%以上的人愿意接受急救知识技能培训,超过97%的人认为学校应该开设急救内容的课程.通过电视、报刊、网络等媒体途径获取急救知识的一线、二线、三线城市市民的比例最高(分别是65.22%,67.52%和65.32%);其次是通过阅读购买的急救科普书籍(比例分别是37.83%,38.72%和36.09%);而参与学校开设急救内容的课程和红十字会、医院等专业机构组织的培训是获得专业急救知识技能最有效的方法,一线、二线、三线城市市民通过这两种方法获取专业急救知识技能的比例均不到20%,有74.78%、81.52%和73.79%的一线、二线、三线城市市民希望通过参与医院等专业机构组织的现场急救培训获取急救知识,有63.04%、64.94%、64.82%的一线、二线、三线城市市民希望通过学校开设急救内容的课程获取急救知识.一线、二线、三线城市市民对如何正确拨打救援电话的知晓率最高,分别为84.35%、90.00%、88.71%;其次是中暑,知晓率分别为45.22%、48.29%、47.08%;而对心肺复苏(CPR)和气道梗阻的知晓率最低,均不到20%.一线、二线、三线城市中对创伤急救、急性中毒、动物咬伤、溺水的知晓率虽然也都不高,但差异却有统计学意义(均P< 0.05),其中发达的一线城市对创伤急救知晓率较二、三线城市要高(47.39%比46.52%、32.62%),而三线城市对急性中毒(25.60%比20.87%、17.20)、动物咬伤(28.43%比22.61%、24.27%)、溺水(37.80%比35.22%、32.13%)等急救知识的知晓率相对一、二线城市要高(均P<0.05).在未参与急救知识专业培训前,一线、二线、三线城市分别有57.39%、52.56%、51.96%的市民表示愿意参与现场急救;而在参与急救知识专业培训后有86.96%、82.87%、84.88%的一线、二线、三线城市的市民愿意实施现场急救,急救意愿显著提升(P=0.00).一线、二线、三线城市学习急救知识的目的基本一致,约80%的一线、二线、三线城市市民学习急救知识的目的是为了在紧要时候有能力救助他人;约70%的市民是为了更好保障亲朋好友的安全;约60%的市民是为了在关键时候自救.结论 一线、二线、三线城市公众急救知识知晓率低,但获取知识的意愿和需求非常高,希望参与专业培训获得急救知识,且专业培训能显著提高城市市民现场急救意愿. Objective To analyze the present citizens' awareness status of the first aid knowledge in Chinese different scales cities of China, and to understand the degree of citizens' demand for the first aid knowledge. Methods The questionnaires were surveyed from internet by WeChat way. The differences in citizens' general data situation, the demand of learning first aid knowledge, the approach and expecting route to study the topic, the degree of awareness concerning the first aid, and the willingness, aim and cause of the learning in different scale cities were compared. Results The valid questionnaires 2 862 copies were collected from cities of different scales in China. Based on the different city resource of questionnaires, the data investigated were classified and statistically analyzed. There were 230, 1 640 and 992 copies from the first- (Shanghai, Beijing), second- (Wuhan, Changsha, Chongqing, etc.) and third-tier cities respectively. The ages of the subjects were mainly 21-30 and 31-40 years old in the first-tier cities (106 and 99 persons respectively), and their educational levels were high school and university (47 and 132 persons respectively); the ages of the subjects were 21-30 and 31-40 years old in the second-tier cities (778 and 606 persons respectively), educational levels were university and postgraduate (1 087 and 240 respectively); the ages of the subjects were 21-30 years old and 31-40 years old in the third-tier cities (469 and 351 respectively), educational levels were high school and university (230 and 549 respectively). Only did approximately 30% citizens in every scale of following cities: the first-, second- and third-tier cities in China have attended the first aid training, but more than 96% citizens in each city expressed the desire to understand the knowledge related to the first aid, over 98% were willing to attend the first aid training, and over 97% agreed to that schools should offer the first aid course. The most popular way to obtain the first aid knowledge was through mass media such as television, newspaper, journal, internet in the first-, second- and third-tier cities (65.22%, 67.56% and 65.32% respectively); the second was through reading first aid popular scientific books (37.83%, 38.72% and 36.09% respectively). The most effective way to obtain professional first aid knowledge and skills was to attend the courses offered by schools or the training organized by professional institutions such as Red Cross organization and hospitals, but the survey indicated that less than 20% citizens obtained these kinds of training in the first-, second- and third-tier cities. The rate of citizens expected to learn the first aid knowledge through attending the training organized by professional institutions such as hospitals was 74.78%, 81.52%, 73.79% respectively in the first-, second- and third-tier cities. The rate of citizens expected to obtain first aid knowledge through attending the courses offered by schools was 63.04%, 64.94%, 64.82% respectively. The highest awareness rate was how to call the emergency service, which was 84.35%, 90.00%, 88.71% respectively in the first-, second- and third-tier cities. The second was about the first aid of heatstroke, which was 45.22%, 48.29%, 47.08% respectively. The awareness rates of emergently saving patients with cardiopulmonary resuscitation and airway obstruction were the lowest, both less than 20% in all the cities. Although the awareness rates of knowledge about trauma, acute poisoning, animal biting and drowning were not high in the first-, second- and third-tier cities, the differences were statistically significant (all P 〈 0.05). The citizens' awareness rate of knowledge how to urgently save patients with trauma in the developed first-tier cities was higher than that in the second- and third-tier cities (47.39%, 46.52%, 32.62% respectively). The awareness rates of knowledge about acute poisoning (25.60%, 20.87%, 17.20% respectively), animal biting (28.43%, 22.61%, 24.27% respectively) and drowning (37.80%, 35.22%, 32.13% respectively) in the third-tier cities were obviously higher than those in the first-tier and second-tier cities (all P 〈 0.05). Before the professional first aid training, the citizens' degree of willingness to implement the on-site first aid was 57.39%, 52.56%, 51.96% respectively in the first-, second- and third-tier cities. The rate was significantly improved to 86.96%, 82.87%, 84.88% respectively (P = 0.00) after the professional training. The citizens' purpose of learning the first aid was ahnost the same in different scale cities. About 80% of them whose aim to learn was how to save others in emergency situation, about 70% to protect relatives and friends, and about 60% to help themselves in a critical moment. Conclusions The present citizens' awareness rates of the first aid knowledge are very low in the first-, second-and third-tier cities in China, but their willingness and needs to acquire the knowledge are quite high. They hope to learn the first aid knowledge by professional training which may significantly elevate the citizens' willingness to implement the on-site first aid.
出处 《中国中西医结合急救杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第6期617-621,共5页 Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine in Intensive and Critical Care
基金 湖南省财政厅医疗卫生专项项目(2100201)
关键词 现场急救 知晓率 问卷调查 First aid Awareness rate Questionnaire survey
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