利用河北某铁尾矿和废石为原料制备了建筑外墙防火陶瓷保温材料。对铁尾矿和废石进行了ICP-AES分析、化学成分分析、X射线衍射物相分析、TG-DSC热分析和放射性检测。在此基础上研究了原料配比、原料粉磨细度、发泡剂用量、发泡剂粒度、烧成制度与建筑外墙陶瓷保温材料性能之间的关系。结果表明,以放射性合格的铁尾矿和废石制备建筑外墙防火陶瓷保温材料技术可行。合适的物料配比为铁尾矿用量为40%-55%,废石用量为45%-60%,发泡剂外掺量为0.5%;原料粉磨细度控制在7.45μm(D50)左右;发泡剂粉磨细度为0.037mm(D90);烧成温度1160℃,烧成时间60 min;制备的建筑外墙防火陶瓷保温材料干密度为350 kg/m3,吸水率为0.48%,导热系数为0.09 W/(m·K),抗压强度为2.20 MPa,抗折强度为1.46 MPa,防火等级为A级。
Experimental study was carried out to explore the preparation of fire insulation ceramic facades material prepared by iron-ore tailings and waste rock. ICP-AES analysis,chemical analysis,X-ray diffraction analysis,TG-DSC thermal analysis and radio activity detection of iron tailings and waste rock were conducted. The relationship between material properties and the preparation of ratio of raw materials,raw material grinding fineness,foaming agent,particle size of foaming agent,firing system were studied. The results show that it is technologically feasible to prepare building facades fire insulation ceramic materials qualified with radioactive iron-ore tailings and waste rock. Suitable materials ratio of iron-ore tailings is 40% to 55% and feldspar amount 45% to 60%. The amount of blowing agent mixed was 0. 5%,the raw material grinding fineness controlled at around 7. 45μm( D(50)),the foaming agent grinding fineness 0. 037 mm,the sintering temperature 1160 ℃ and the sintering time 60 min.The dry density of prepared material was 350 kg / m-3. Water absorption was 0. 48%. The thermal conductivity was0. 09 W /( m·K). The compressive strength was 4. 20 MPa,Flexural strength was 1. 46 MPa. Fire-proof level was A.
Mining And Metallurgy
iron-ore tailings
fire insulation facades ceramic material