为了建立一个数学模型,用于计算花生基质中蛋白含量,实验将花生脱脂粉进行五步连续提取,利用Bradford法和SDS-PAGE,分别定量出每次花生提取液中可提取的蛋白、花生过敏原蛋白Ara h 3/4和Ara h 6,用于分析提取量与提取次数的关系。结果显示,每次蛋白提取量可用等比数列an=a1qn-1表示,根据等比数列求和公式可计算出可提取的总蛋白量。因此,利用五步连续提取法获得的数学模型可作为一种计算花生基质中蛋白含量的方法。
In order to establish a mathematical model for calculating the matrix peanut protein,a five-step sequential extraction method on defatted peanut flour( DPF) was put forward in the study. After each extraction,the extracted protein,peanut allergen Ara h 3 /4 and Ara h 6 were quantified by Bradford and SDS-PAGE with the aim of analyzing the relationship between the extracted protein content and extraction times. The results showed that a geometric sequence an= a1qn- 1was obtained. Using the mathematical summation formula,the protein content in peanut matrix could be calculated. So,the using of five-step sequential extraction method could provide a means to quantify certain protein in peanut matrix.
Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic University