
基于电动汽车与温控负荷的电力系统协同频率控制策略 被引量:7

Coordination Frequency Control Strategy for EVs and Thermostatically Controlled Appliances in the Power System
摘要 本文以电动汽车、温控负荷为控制对象,提出了一种电力系统调频控制策略。首先研究了电动汽车的负荷响应特性,给出了一种基于实时荷电状态排序的电动汽车频率控制策略。其次研究了温控负荷的动态特性,给出了一种基于温度排序的温控负荷频率控制策略。基于两种负荷的负荷特性,提出一种基于电动汽车与温控负荷的协同频率控制策略。通过调整两种负荷的负荷量,支撑系统有功平衡,达到频率控制的目的。最后利用典型的单机电力系统模型验证了系统发生大扰动时控制策略的有效性。 This paper proposes a coordination frequency control strategy for electrical vehicles (EVs) and thermostati- cally controlled appliances (TCAs) in the power system. First, the response characteristic of EVs is studied and an EV frequency control strategy is given based on state-of-charge ranking. Then, according to the characteristics of TCA, a frequency control strategy based on temperature ranking is also given. According to the load characteristics of EVs and TCAs, a coordination frequency control strategy is proposed. The coordination strategy utilizes load demand response to balance the system power and improve the frequency stability. The effectiveness of the control strategy in a case of large system disturbance is verified by a typical single-machine power system model.
作者 郭炳庆 杨婧捷 屈博 戚艳 刘幸蔚 王迎秋 GUO Bingqing YANG Jingjie Qu Bo QI Yan LIU Xingwei WANG Yingqiu(China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100192, China State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Research Institute, Tianjin 300010, China)
出处 《电力系统及其自动化学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期13-17,37,共6页 Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助项目(2015AA050403) 国家电网公司总部科技资助项目(SGTJDK00DWJS1500100)
关键词 电动汽车 温控负荷 频率控制 协同控制策略 electrical vehicles (EVs) thermostatically controlled appliances (TCAs) frequency control coordina-tion control strategy
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