将生命质量和价值理解为生命神圣的原因是错误的。生命质量和价值是生命的构成要素 ,是生命的重要内容。生命神圣并不只是生命存在的时值神圣 ,也是生命存在的质量和价值神圣 ;尊重生命并不只是尊重生命存在的时值 ,也要尊重生命存生的质量和价值。当代人们对生命质量和价值的关注 ,并不是在寻求生命神圣的原因 ,而是对生命内涵进行全面的认识。
It is not correct to treatthe quality and value as the cause of dinitv of one''s life. Quality and value are factors and contents of life.To respect one's life is not only respect his exsistence but also his quality and value. The contemporarypeople pay much attention to quality and value in order to comprehend corretly the intension ofone life but not to search the cause of life dignity which embodies people respecting and caring for their whole life
Medicine and Society