
“意义—感通”的教化哲学——儒家教育思想要义新释 被引量:15

The Edification Philosophy of“Yi yi and Gan tong”:A New Interpretation of the Essence of Confucian Educational Thoughts
摘要 能够全面展现儒家教育思想要义的,不是《学记》,而是《大学》与《中庸》。以《学记》为中国第一本教育专著,来自于中国现代教育学的"知识—技术"视野。儒家教育哲学之根本在于教化。"意义"与"感通",是构成这一教化哲学的两个基本方面。"意义"为其学术宗旨,"感应"为其意义生成机制,"感通"乃"感应"之充分而顺畅实现。"意义"与"感通"会归于内尽其性、外与物谐的中和之境。在字面上,"感(应)通"虽可理解为互动互通、相互作用乃至于"刺激—反应"等,但后者并不足以尽其神韵。"感通"的独特之处,在于它是以"气"(从而也是以"情")为根基的一体联动。它体现了儒学的独特教化精神:讲究情理,强调从情感的投入入手,让一己的整个生命融入世界,在生命与生命的整体互动中生成人生之意义、传达人生之意义。 What fully reveals the essence of Confucian educational thoughts is not Xue Ji (Book of Study), but Da Xue (the Great learning) and Zhong gong (the Doctrine of the Mean). Seeing Xue Ji as the very first educational monograph is a view derived from the knowledge-technology mindset of modern pedagogy of China. As a matter of fact, the root of Confucian educational philosophy is edification, with Yi yi (meaning of life) and Gan tong (holistic interaction) constituting its two fundamental aspects; the meaning of life is the purpose of learning and the holistic interaction the generative mechanism of the for- mer, herein Gan tong is nothing but the fully and unhindered realization of Gan ying (interaction). Fur- thermore, meaning of life and its holistic interaction converges and combines into Zhong he equilibrium and grand harmony, an ideal state in which one fully cultivates and completes his/her intrinsic nature, and at the same time builds up the rapport with objects. Though Gan ying (or Gan tong) can be literally trans- lated as interrelation or interaction etc. , even sometimes as stimulation and response; nevertheless, these interpretations could not adequately reveal the former's charm. The distinguishing feature of Gan tong is that it represents inseparable and coordinated motion as an organic unity based upon Qi (the pervasive and penetrating energy) and thus also upon Qing (an ideal state that is unconcealed and sincere, precedes the subject-object dualism). Gan tong embodies the very spirit of Pgnfueian edification: it stresses that li (rules and principles) originates from Qing, and Qing shall be the commencement of one's life which al- lows oneself to merge into the world entirely, thereby to generate and convey the meaning of life in the process of one's holistic interaction with it.
作者 于述胜 向辉 YU Shu-sheng XIANG Hui(Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期104-110,共7页 Journal of Educational Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金哲学类重点课题"先秦儒家‘意义-感通’的教化哲学研究"(15AZX009)成果之一
关键词 “意义” “感通” 教化哲学 中和之境 儒家教育思想 meaning of life holistic interaction edificatory philosophy equilibrium and grand harmony Confucian educational thoughts
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