Propodea Malaise, 1945 is reviewed and redescribed. Seven species of Propodea are discussed.Propodea sinica Wu Wei sp. nov. and P. xanthocera Wu Wei sp. nov. are described as new to science.Propodea rotundiventris(Cameron, 1899), P. fentoni(Kirby, 1882) and Propodea ussuriensis(Malaise, 1931)are recorded for the first time from China. A key to species of Propodea Malaise is also provided. Tenthredo rufonotalis Mallach, 1936 is removed from being a junior synonym of Dipteromorpha ussuriensis Malaise,1931. Propodea rufonotalis(Mallach, 1936) is a new combination transferred from Tenthredo. The species previously recorded as Propodea rotundiventris(Cameron, 1899) from China before this paper is a misidentification of P. sinica sp. nov. The real Propodea rotundiventris(Cameron, 1899) is redescribed based on the holotype and new material. Propodea spinosa(Cameron, 1899) is recorded for the first time from Nepal.
狭并叶蜂属Propodea Malaise,1945是膜翅目、叶蜂科、叶蜂亚科1个小属,已知5种。本文记述7种,包括2个新种:中华狭并叶蜂Propodea sinica Wu&Wei sp.nov.和黄角狭并叶蜂P.xanthocera Wu&Wei sp.nov.;黄柄狭并叶蜂Propodea rotundiventris(Cameron,1899)、大斑狭并叶蜂P.fentoni(Kirby,1882)和黑角狭并叶蜂Propodea ussuriensis(Malaise,1931)是3个中国新纪录种,黄翅狭并叶蜂Propodea spinosa(Cameron,1899)首次记载分布于尼泊尔。基于新材料详细描述了狭并叶蜂属属征,编制了狭并叶蜂属分种检索表。重新确认Tenthredo rufonotalis Mallach,1936是有效种,该种不是Dipteromorpha ussuriensis Malaise,1931的次异名,并建立了1个新组合:高脊狭并叶蜂Propodea rufonotalis(Mallach,1936)comb.nov.。曾多次记载分布于中国多地的Propodea rotundiventris(Cameron,1899)是错误鉴定,该种是1新种,即中华狭并叶蜂Propodea sinica Wu&Wei sp.nov.。基于正模和新采集的材料,重新描述了Propodea rotundiventris(Cameron,1899)。
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31501885, 31672344)