Tenthredo bicuspis Liu Wei sp. nov. and T. biminutidota Liu Wei sp. nov. are described from China. Tenthredo bicuspis is similar to T. amurica Dalla Torre, 1894 from Siberia in Russia but differs in the pterostigma yellow brown, the upper inner orbits, temple, pronotum, tegula, mesoscutellum and mesepisternum with distinct white maculae, the mesoscutellum strongly elevated with two obtuse peaks, the dorsum of head impunctate, the dorsum of thorax and mesopleuron shiny, the supraantennal tubercles strongly elevated with the posterior end abruptly cut off. Tenthredo biminutidota is similar to T. flavobrunneus Malaise,1945 but differs in the postocellar area about 1.5 times as broad as long, the lateral furrows distinctly divergent backwards; the black macula on dorsum of head very large and almost touching the eye or nearly so, the supraantennal tubercles largely black and evenly merging with frontal walls; the mesoscutellum and mesepisternum not strongly elevated with a low peak; each abdominal tergite with a narrow basal black band and a pair of black dots laterally; the female hypopygium with a large middle process and serrulae hardly elevated.
记述中国叶蜂科叶蜂属两新种:双峰白端叶蜂Tenthredo bicuspis Liu&Wei sp.nov.和双点光柄叶蜂T.biminutidota Liu&Wei sp.nov.。双峰白端叶蜂T.bicuspis与T.amurica Dalla Torre,1894近似,但翅痣黄褐色;内眶上半部及相连的上眶大斑、前胸背板后缘、翅基片、小盾片、中胸前侧片大斑、腹部第1背板全部黄白色;小盾片强烈隆起,顶部双突;头部背侧无刻点,胸部背侧和侧板具光泽;触角窝上突强烈隆起,后端突然中断,不与额脊连接等,与该种明显不同。双点光柄叶蜂T.biminutidota与T.flavobrunneus Malaise,1945近似,但单眼后区宽长比约等于1.5,侧沟向后明显分歧;头部背侧黑斑两侧接近或接触复眼内缘,触角窝上突大部黑色,后端与额脊间无凹陷;小盾片和中胸前侧片中部隆起度较低;腹部各节背板基部边缘黑色,背板两侧各具1对黑色点斑;雌虫下生殖板中突较大,锯腹片锯刃几乎不突出等,与该种不同。
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31172142, 31501885)