

Research on Image Quality Analysis under Strong Light Interference
摘要 研究强光对图像中目标识别的干扰能力以及信息处理对强光干扰的抑制能力,并对信息处理效果进行量化分析。研究过程采用了两种不同的研究方案,一是基于无干扰底图的强光干扰效果分析,将被干扰的图像与同一场景未受干扰的可见光图像进行比对,通过配准后的图像直接分析干扰抑制效果。二是基于目标模板的强光干扰效果分析,选择目标模板进行仿真,分别计算信息处理前后目标模板在目标场景下的可识别度,并进行比对,即获得信息处理对强光干扰的抑制效果。两种研究方案均能对信息处理的效果进行定量的统计分析。将处理效果量化,能够对信息处理技术提供必要的技术支持。 The interference performance to the target recognition in images from strong light and the suppression of information processing to the strong light interference are researched. And the information processing effect is analyzed quantitatively. Two different research schemes are adopted. The first is strong light interference effect analysis based on base map without interference. The interference image is compared with the visible light image without interference in a same scene. And the interference suppression effect is directly analyzed based on the registered images. The second is strong light interference effect analysis based on target template. The target template is selected for simulation and the recognition levels of the target template under target scene before and after processing are calculated respectively and compared to get the suppression effect of the information processing to strong light interference. The information processing effect can both be quantitatively statistically analyzed through the two research schemes. Processing effect is quantified to provide technology support to information processing technology.
作者 尚举邦
出处 《光电技术应用》 2016年第6期47-52,58,共7页 Electro-Optic Technology Application
关键词 强光干扰 图像信息处理 可识别度 strong light interference image information processing recognition level
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