The showcase of world textile engineering, India International Textile Machinery Exhibition (lndia ITME 2016) began in Mumbai on Decem- ber 3rd, 2016. The six-day event was inaugurated by Mr. Sanjiv Lathia, Chairman, in the presence of Ms. Seema Srivastava, Executive Director, India ITME Society. Hosted once in four years, India ITME has grown to be as one of the largest in this sector globally. The exhibition concluded on December 8th, 2016
The showcase of world textile engineering,India International Textile Machinery Exhibition(India ITME 2016)began in Mumbai on December 3rd,2016.The six-day event was inaugurated by Mr.Sanjiv Lathia,Chairman,in the presence of Ms.Seema Srivastava,Executive Director,India ITME Society.Hosted once in four years,India ITME has grown to be as one of the largest in