A recent TV news report by New York's WCBS said people's gym clothes could be dan- gerous to our health, due to the apparel's fibers. The garments' mamnadc fabrics break down in the laundry, forcing the lint fibers to wash out into public waterways and attract pollutants, which are then are eaten by fish - fish that we consume. The WCBS report comes after another finding by ecologist Mark Browne, who examined shore- lines around the world and found microfibers ev- erywhere, particularly near sewage outflows. His finding, according to a report in The Guardian: 85 percent of human-made material on the shorelines were microfibers, and matched manmade cloth- ing materials like nylon and acrylic. While the WCBS story focused on gym clothes, synthetics have found their way to virtually every category of men's, women's, and children's apparel.
A recent TV news report by New York's WCBS said people's gym clothes could be dangerous to our health,due to the apparel's fibers.The garments'manmade fabrics break down in the laundry,forcing the lint fibers to wash out into public waterways and attract pollutants,which are then are eaten by fish-fish that we consume.