目的了解某地区医院10年间放射诊断工作场所防护状况,为指导放射防护工作、有效控制辐射危害提供参考。方法以该地区19所医院放射诊断项目为调查对象,查阅2005年、2007年、2009年、2011年、2013年和2015年的放射防护监督检测报告,依据国家相关放射防护法规标准,对与场所相应的关键性防护指标进行统计分析。结果 2005年放射诊断工作场所104个,2015年107个,10年间放射诊断工作场所数目变化不大,防护指标不合格率呈现明显的逐年下降趋势。机房周围辐射泄漏水平较高的操作台、医生和患者门处辐射泄漏水平不合格率分别从2005年的12.5%、18.3%和21.2%下降到2015年的0、0.9%和0.9%;不合格位置辐射泄漏周围剂量当量率范围大于2.5μSv/h的场所,2005年有12个,2015年为0个。工作状态指示灯、电离辐射警示标志、防护设施配备情况等防护指标不合格率分别从2005年的57.7%、44.2%和76.9%下降到2015年的20.6%、1.9%和1.9%。结论该地区19所医院10年间放射诊断工作场所防护状况总体呈逐步改善趋势。
Objective To find out about radiation protection inside radiodiagonsis facilities at 19 hospitals in one area over the past 10 years in order to provide guidance for radiation protection and to control radiation hazards efficiently. Methods Ac- cording to the national related technical criterions and protection standards, the radiodiagnosis facilities at 19 hospitals in one area were selected as targets of research. , Key indexes about radiation protection were statistically analyzed. Results The number of radiodiaguosis facilities was 104 in 2005 and 107 in 2015. Although the number has hardly changed, the radiodiagnosis equip- ment has been updated over the past ten years. The unqualified percentage of radiation protection indexes has dropped obviously. The unqualified rate associated with radiation leakage from the control station, doors for doctors and doors for patients dropped from 12.5% ,18.3% and 21.2% in 2005 to 0% ,0.935% and 0. 935% in 2015. The 12 work places The ambient dose equiva- lent rate was above 2.5p^Sv/h inside twelve facilities in 2005, but wasless than 2.5p^Sv/h in 2015. The key protection indexes dropped from 57.5% ,44.2% and 76.9% to 20.6%, 1.87% and 1.87% in 2015. Conclusion The effect of radiation protection has been getting better in 19 hospitals over the past ten years, but the awareness and scope of radiation protection need to be im- proved.
Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army
radiodiagonsis item
radiation facilities
radiation protection
control of radiation hazards