目的探讨在中部地域服役的解放军陆军官兵功能性胃肠病(functional gastrointestinal disorders,FGIDs)患病情况及其与心理因素的关系。方法采用整群分层随机抽样方法,应用FGIDs罗马Ⅲ调查问卷,进行FGIDs的分类和诊断。心理因素测评应用症状自评量表(SCL-90)。结果 913例调查对象中,FGIDs总体患病率为45.6%,FGIDs重叠发生率为35.8%,最多者同时重叠9种FGIDs。8种常见FGIDs依次为非特异性功能性肠病、周期性呕吐综合征、功能性消化不良、痉挛性肛门直肠疼痛、功能性腹胀、肠易激综合征、嗳气和功能性大便失禁。除功能性大便失禁的恐怖和精神病性因子外,这些常见FGIDs的SCL-90因子得分和总分均较无FGIDs组明显升高(P<0.05,P<0.01)。重叠2种和3种及以上FGIDs组SCL-90各项因子得分及总分较无FGIDs组明显升高(P<0.05)。重叠2种FGIDs组SCL-90各因子分和总分均较单一FGIDs组明显增高(P<0.05);重叠3种及以上FGIDs组有7项因子分和总分比单一FGIDs组明显增高(P<0.05)。结论罹患常见8种FGIDs的官兵SCL-90评分升高,提示这些疾病与心理因素密切相关,FGIDs重叠者心理问题更严重。
Objective To investigate prevalence of functional gastrointestinal disorders( FGIDs) and its relationship with psychological factors in officers and soldiers in one troop of PLA Army. Methods FGIDs classification and diagnosis were performed by randomly stratified and multistage sampling method using Rome Ⅲ modular questionnaire survey,and psychological factors were detected by symptom checklist 90( SCL-90). Results Among 913 registered controls,the total prevalence rate of FGIDs was 45. 6%,and overlapping incidence rate of FGIDs was 35. 8%,and the most controls had overlapping 9 FGIDs simultaneously. The 8 frequent FGIDs were listed as non-specificity functional bowel disorder,cyclical vomiting syndrome,functional dyspepsia,proctalgia fugax,functional bloating,irritable bowel syndrome,belching disorders and functional fecal incotinence. Total score and factor scores of SCL-90 in frequent FGIDs groups were significantly higher than those in the group without FGIDs except for phobic anxiety and psychoticism factors of functional fecal incotinence( P〈0. 05,P 0. 01). Total score and factor scores of SCL-90 in 2,3 and more coexisting FGIDs groups were significantly higher than those in the group without FGIDs( P〈0. 05). Total score and factor scores of SCL-90 in 2 coexisting FGIDs group were significantly higher than those in single FGID group( P〈0. 05),while 7 factors scores and total score in 3 and more coexisting FGIDs groups were significantly higher than those in single FGID group( P〈0. 05). Conclusion The increasing SCL-90 scores in the 8 frequent FGIDs groups indicate that FGIDs closely correlate with psychological factors,and officers and soldiers coexisting FGIDs have more severely psychopathological features.
Medical & Pharmaceutical Journal of Chinese People’s Liberation Army
Functional gastrointestinal disorders
Military personnel
Psychological factors