
2012-2015年茂名市病毒性腹泻病原学特征 被引量:5

Etiological characteristics of viral diarrhea in Maoming during 2012 to 2015
摘要 目的 分析茂名市病毒性腹泻的病原学特征,为病毒性腹泻的预防和控制提供科学的依据。方法 采集2012-2015年监测点医院门诊的腹泻病例粪便标本,采用实时荧光定量RT-PCR检测诺如病毒,采用ELISA法检测轮状病毒。结果 共检测1 822份标本,总阳性率为20.75%(378/1 822),诺如病毒阳性率为12.79%(233/1 822),轮状病毒阳性率为8.73%(159/1 822),混合感染占5.29%(20/378);病毒性腹泻冬季发病最高(40.13%),夏季发病最低(4.07%),各年龄组人群均可感染。诺如病毒常年散发,轮状病毒以冬季为主(25.48%);6月-2岁年龄组是轮状病毒感染主要人群,诺如病毒以GⅡ基因型为主(95.71%)。结论 病毒性腹泻阳性率较高,存在一定比例的混合感染;诺如病毒感染以GⅡ基因型为主,轮状病毒阳性率逐年下降。 Objective To analyze the etiological characteristics of viral diarrhea in Maoming, and provide scientific evidence for disease prevention and control of viral diarrhea. Methods Fecal samples of viral diarrhea cases from the sentinel hospital were collected during 2012 to 2015; norovirus was detected by real-time fluorescent quantitative RT-PCR, and rotavirus was detected by ELISA. Results A total of 1 822 samples were detected, with the positive rate of viral diarrhea of 20.75%(378/1 822); the norovirus-positive rate was 12.79%(233/1 822) and the rotavirus- positive rate was 8.73%(159/ 1 822); the mixed-infection rate was 5.29%(20/378); the infection rate of viral diarrhea was the highest in winter (40.13%) and the lowest in summer (4.07%); all age groups could be infected. Norovirus was distributed throughout the year, and rotavirus spread was mainly in winter (25.48%). 6 m-2 y age group was the main group of rotavirus infection. G-II was the main norovirus genotype (95.71%). Conclusion The positive rate of viral diarrhea was high; there was a certain proportion of mixed-infection. G-II was the main norovirus genotype, and the positive rate of rotavirus was declining year by year.
出处 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2016年第12期1574-1577,共4页 Journal of Tropical Medicine
关键词 病毒性腹泻 诺如病毒 轮状病毒 病原学 Viral diarrhea Norovirus Rotavirus Etiological
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