

A New Antenna Selection and Demodulation Algorithm of Differential Spatial Modulation
摘要 在空间调制(Spatial Modulation,SM)系统中,基于差分编码思想,对发送端发射天线的选择提出一种新的差分方案,接收端解调也提出新的差分直接检测法,该方案称为差分空间调制(Differential Spatial Modulation,DSM)。DSM接收端解调采用的差分直接检测法是根据前后相邻两时刻的接收信号差向量的模值进行解调,接收端与发送端均不需要知道信道状态信息。该解调方法依据差分的特点提出,实现了未知信道传输矩阵时的解调,减少系统开销。对二进制相移键控(Binary Phase Shift Keying,BPSK)、正交相移键控(Quadrature Phase Shift Keying,QPSK)、正交幅度调制(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation,QAM)不同编码方式下2根发射天线的DSM和BPSK编码方式下4根发射天线的DSM进行了性能仿真,结果表明DSM具有较好的抗信道参数变化的性能。 In the spatial modulation system, a new differential spatial modulation scheme for the selection of transmitter antenna was put forward based on differential coding. A new differential direct detection method for demodulation is also proposed. The scheme is called differential space modulation(Spatial Modulation Differential, DSM). The demodulation of DSM is differential detection, according to the difference vector modulus values of received signal in adjacent time, neither the receiver nor the transmitter needed to know the channel state information. The demodulation method is based on the characteristics of the difference, which realized the demodulation when the channel transfer matrix was unknown, and reduced the system cost. Two performance simulations were carried out, which includes 2 transmitting antennas DSM under different coding mode of BPSK, QPSK and QAM, and 4 transmitting antennas DSM under BPSK, the results show that DSM has good ability to resist the change of channel parameters.
出处 《电力信息与通信技术》 2016年第12期58-64,共7页 Electric Power Information and Communication Technology
基金 南方电网横向项目"基于无线MESH的高压输电线路监测数据通信传输系统研究与应用"(CGY01XT0303140411)
关键词 空间调制 差分编码 多输入多输出 差分直接检测 spatial modulation differential coding multiple input multiple output differential detection
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