网络大学平台是国家电网公司人力资源集约化管理不断推进的产物,承担着国家电网公司所有员工的培训、学习及考试等任务。随着系统数据访问量的急剧增长、数据复杂度的增强,导致系统访问集中时系统负载过大,系统执行效率和稳定性较差。文章采用远程字典服务(Remote Dictionary Server,Redis)技术与数据库优化相结合的方式对系统架构进行优化,利用缓存技术解决了高并发访问时系统运行效率及负载均衡问题,有效地提高了系统的运行效率和稳定性,进而提升用户体验。
The online university platform is a system used for staff training, learning and testing in SGCC. It is a product by the progress of intensive management. With the sharp increase of user visit, data complexity enhancement, the system becomes overloaded, inefficient and unstable. This paper uses Redis technology and database tuning to achieve system architecture optimization. The operating efficiency and load balancing issues under high concurrency are solved by using memory cache technology, so that the system efficiency and stability are raised and the user experience is improved.
Electric Power Information and Communication Technology