Objective To discuss the success rate of external cephalic version(ECV) for breechpresentation in maturesingleton preg- nancies and the factors influencing ECV, and complications induced by ECV. Methods A study was conducted which included 75 preg- nant women who underwent regular prenatal examinations and delivered in Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital between April 2014 and April 2016. They were all singleton breech presentation and performed ECV. Their pregnancy outcomes were analyzed. They were di- vided into success group and failure group. The related factors ( the age, gestational age, BMI, the length of the umbilical cord, amniotic fluid index, birth weight, parturition number, type of breech presentation, cord around neck or not, placental location, whether to colyt- ies) were statistically analyzed and to explore the sueeessfaetors. Statistical analysis was performed using univariate analysis. Results In the 75 cases of ECV pregnant women, 32 cases were successful (42.67% , no ease of restored) , 43 cases were failed (57.33%). In the successful 32 cases, six cases were cesarean deliveries ( 18.75% ). Complications included one case of PROM, 16 cases of mild fetal heart rate variable deceleration, 5 cases of fetal distress, no neonatal asphyxia. According to the statistical analysis results, significant differences were observed in the length of the umbilical cord between the success group and failure group( P 〈 0.05 ) , and the other factors were not found significantly differences (P 〉 0.05 ). Conclusion The ECV significantly reduces the rate of cesarean section. Further study of a large sample sizes is needed for the other success factors influencing ECV. Before the ECV, we must make a full assessment of the pregnant woman, master the indications and contraindications, thereby to improve the success rate of external cephalic version.
Journal of Medical Research
External cephalic version