
市场经济只能建立在私有制基础上吗?——兼评公有制与市场经济不相容论 被引量:38

Should Market Economy Be Only Built on Private Ownership?——On the Judicious Link between Public Ownership and Market Economy
摘要 市场经济需要企业自主经营、自负盈亏、产权明晰。公有制企业包括国有企业通过转机改制、实行现代企业制度,能够适应市场经济的要求,从而公有制能够与市场经济相结合。市场经济并不是只能建立在私有制基础上,以市场经济只能建立在私有制基础上的看法推导出的中国发展市场经济必须实行私有化的结论不能成立。中国社会主义初级阶段的经济是商品经济或者市场经济的基本条件是存在社会分工和多种不同的所有制。此条件下,即使在公有制经济内部,不同的企业或者经济单位的产出和资源利用效率不一样,为了鼓励企业提供更多更好的产出、提高资源利用效率,必须允许企业拥有相对独立的经济利益,社会不能无偿占用或者调拨企业的产出,企业之间也必须实行等价交换,否则会挫伤企业和职工的积极性,造成资源的低效利用甚至浪费。公有制企业的生产和交换也是商品生产和交换,公有制经济也是商品经济或者市场经济。社会主义市场经济理论和邓小平关于计划与市场的论述,并不违背马克思主义政治经济学的商品经济和社会主义经济运行特征的基本原理,并不否定社会主义经济发展到高度成熟发达的高级阶段、所有制演进到单一公有制的时候,将不再是商品经济或者市场经济的长远趋势。 Market economy requires an enterprise to be responsible for its own management decisions, profits and losses and clearly establish its ownership. Public owned enterprises including SOEs have transformed their operational mechanism and established their modern enterprise system to meet the requirements of market economy. Therefore public ownership is able to be combined with market economy. Market economy is not established only on private ownership so it is false to say that China needs private ownership in market economy. The precondition for China's primary socialism stage economy to be commodity economy or market economy is the existence of social division of labor and different kinds of ownership. Against the background, different public owned enterprises or units occupy resource different in quantity, quality and type and employ staff different in effort. So it is natural that different public owned enterprises are different in outputs and resource utilization efficiency. In order to encourage higher outputs and resource use efficiency, public owned enterprise own relatively independent economic revenue must be permitted (i. e. higher revenue for higher outputs) , society occupy or transfer the outputs of the public owned enterprise without pay must be prohibited, the system of exchange with equal values between different public owned enterprises must be established. Otherwise the enthusiasm of the staff would be dampened and resource would be use inefficiently or even be wasted. So the production and exchange of public owned enterprises are the production and exchange of commodity, public ownership economy is commodity economy or market economy. The theory of socialism market economy doesn't violate the theory of commodity economy and economic characteristic of socialism economy in Marxist political economy, doesn't go against the trend that when socialism economy develop to an advance stage and the ownership evolve to pure public ownership, the socialism economy will not be commodity economy or market economy.
作者 简新华 余江 Jian Xinhuaa Yu Jiangb(a:Economic Development Research Center of Wuhan Universit b:Economics and Management School of Wuhan Universit)
出处 《经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第12期4-17,共14页 Economic Research Journal
基金 马克思主义理论研究和建设工程2016年度重大项目"中国特色社会主义政治经济学读本编写"(批准号为2016MZD002)的研究成果
关键词 市场经济 公有制 社会主义 企业制度 Market Economy Public Ownership Socialism Enterprise System
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