

WTO Negotiations on Presence of Natural Persons in Services Trade and China's Participation Strategy
摘要 WTO体制下的服务贸易自然人流动谈判进展缓慢,面临应对保护主义盛行、成员利益诉求不同而难以协调和克服谈判方式缺陷等诸多挑战。保障发展中国家的更广泛参与、提高市场准入的透明度和确定性以及实施GATS签证制度有利于推进服务贸易自然人流动谈判进程。我国应深入研究WTO体制下自然人流动谈判的过程、参与各方的立场与态度,制定明确的谈判策略,积极参与WTO服务贸易自然人流动谈判,积极面对、稳步推进、有序开放我国服务贸易部门的自然人流动准入,针对不同的国家和地区,在不同的服务部门有区别、有重点地提出谈判要价和出价。 WTO negotiations on presence of natural persons in services trade have experienced very limited progress and face numerous challenges like overspread trade protectionism,different interest claims and conflicts between WTO members and how to overcome the inherent defects of the present negotiation mode. Ensured more participation of developing countries,improved transparency and certainty of market access and introduction of GATS visa mechanism may promote the process of such negotiations. China needs to make a deeper study of the negotiations and the requests and offers of different WTO members,take an active part in such negotiations,take progressive and stable steps to open its market access in terms of presence of natural persons and present differentiated requests and offers to different WTO members.
作者 金孝柏 Jin Xiaobai(Institute of International Economics and Trade, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai 201620, China)
出处 《江苏商论》 2016年第12期46-50,共5页 Jiangsu Commercial Forum
关键词 自然人流动 服务贸易 谈判 参与策略 presence of natural persons services trade negotiations participation strategy
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  • 1刘恩媛.论GATS下自然人流动的承诺与发展[J].上海财经大学学报,2003,5(6):54-59. 被引量:5
  • 2GATS, supra note 1, art. I, para. 2(a)-(d).
  • 3GATS, art.Ⅵ, para. 28(b).
  • 4WTO Secretariat, GATS, Mode 4 and the Pattern of Commitments, Joint WTO-World Bank Symposium on Movement of Natural Persons (Mode 4) Under the GATS, WTO, Geneva, Apr. 2002: 11-12.
  • 5GATS/SC/83, GATS/SC/22.和GATS/SC/30.
  • 6Panagiotis Delimatsis, "Due Process and 'Good' Regulation Embedded in the GATS--Disciplining Regulatory Behaviour in Services Through Article Vi of the GATS" , Journal oflnternationalEconomic Law. Mar., 21)07: 13.
  • 7PradipBhatnagar, "LiberalisingtheMovementofNaturalPersons:ALostDecade?" The World Economy, 2007, 27(3):465.
  • 8Alison Umberger, "Free Trade Visas: Exploring the Constitutional Boundaries of Trade Promotion Authority" , Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, Winter, 2008: 319.
  • 9Alison Umberger, "Free Trade Visas: Exploring the Constitutional Boundaries of Trade Promotion Authority" , Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, Winter, 2008:319.
  • 10See: Building Bridges for Global Labour Mobility (Paris, OECD, 2004).









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