8Social Security Programs Throughout the World : Asia and the Pacific [ EB/OL ], 2008. U. S. Social Security Administration website. http : //www. ssa. gov/policy/docs/progdesc/ssptw/2OO8-2OO9/asia/guide, html. Last visited 2011.3. 11.
9Security Programs Throughout the World: Europe [ EB/OL], 2008. U. S. Social Security Administration website, http: //www. ssa. gov/policy/docs/progdesc/ssptw/2OOS-2OO9/europe/guide, html. Last visited 2011.3. 11.
10Social Security Programs Throughout the World: Africa [ EB/OL], 2009. U. S. Social Security Administration website, http: //www. ssa. gov/policy/docs/pmgdesc/ssptw/2OO8-2OO9/africa/guide, html. Last visited 2011. 1. 11.