
责任型领导的双刃剑效应:一个整合理论模型 被引量:10

Responsible Leadership as a Double-Edged Sword : An Integrated Theoretical Model
摘要 作为一种新的领导概念,责任型领导愈发受到学界关注。然而,过去的研究主要关注了责任型领导对下属工作产出的积极影响,相对忽略了潜在负面效应及其形成机制。为此,本文将责任型领导的积极面与阴暗面进行整合,从均衡视角构建了一个责任型领导的双刃剑效应模型。该模型指出责任型领导一方面可以通过社会学习和社会交换来提升下属的道德行为和组织公民行为,另一方面还会通过工作压力和分散注意力导致下属的情绪枯竭、身心健康等问题,下属的关键个体特质如责任心、互惠信念、自我效能和权力距离导向在上述过程中发挥着调节作用。 As a new concept of leadership, responsible leadership is attracting more and more scholars' attention. However, previous studies have mainly focused on the positive impact of responsible leadership on subordinates' work outcomes, relatively ignoring its possible negative effects and the mechanism underlying such negative effects. To address this issue, this paper integrates the bright side and the dark side of responsible leadership, and thus proposes a theoretical model explaining the double- edge sword effect of responsible leadership. The model reveals that responsible leadership exerts positive effect on subordinates' outcomes through social learning and social exchange mechanism, but exerts negative effect through the work pressure and attention mechanism. At the same time, the subordinates' key individual characteristics such as conscientiousness, reciprocity belief, self-efficacy and power distance orientation moderate these indirect effects. The theoretical and practical implications of this study are discussed at the end of this paper.
作者 文鹏 何雨
出处 《中国人力资源开发》 北大核心 2017年第1期16-22,共7页 Human Resources Development of China
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"管理者腐败形成机制及治理策略研究(15CGL030)" 国家自然科学基金项目"多水平导师指导行为对员工结果的影响机制研究(71402062)" 华中师范大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目"中国情景下责任型领导对下属的双向影响机制研究"资助
关键词 责任型领导 社会学习 社会交换 工作压力 注意力 Responsible Leadership Social Learning Social Exchange Stress Attention
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