
中国企业进行“传递贸易”之谜 被引量:3

Paradox of Chinese Firms' Engaging in Pass-on Trade
摘要 研究目标:破解中国企业"传递贸易"之谜。研究方法:利用2000~2006年中国工企和海关数据,首先统计分析中企进行传递贸易的特征性事实,其次采用面板模型检验传递企业是否存在"生产率和利润率溢价",最后分别采用Bivariate Probit和Heckman模型分析中国企业进入国际市场的产品选择决策、出口后传递贸易产品生存状况和产品范围动态调整过程。研究发现:作为中国出口中广泛存在的一种重要贸易方式,传递贸易对促进整体出口迅猛增长起到了至关重要作用。研究创新:从核心能力视角阐明了企业通过传递贸易有效解决其在出口产品多元化战略和发挥核心能力优势之间两难选择的作用机理。研究价值:揭示这种新型贸易模式对微观企业国际化成长和宏观政府破解当前出口困局的政策意义。 Research Objectives: Paradox of Chinese firms' engaging in pass-on trade. Research Methods: The paper systematically analyzes pass-on trade engaged in by multi-product exporting firms by u- sing data on imports and exports at firm and product level for Chinese manufacturing firms in the period 2000- 2006. Specifically, based on confirming stylized fact that Chinese firms engage in pass-on trade, we further use the panel model to examine there exists productivity premium and profitability premium of POT firms or not. Then, we use Bivariate probit model to analyze Chinese firm selection decisions of exporting product on penetrating the international market, and use Heckman selection model to analyze the living condition of POT product and the dynamic adjust- ment process of the product range in POT firrn~ Re.torch bindings: As an important trade mode that exists in Chinese export, Pass-on trade plays a crucial role in promoting the overall export's growth. Research Innovations: We explore mechanism of action for exporting firms can effectively solve the dilemma between strategy of exporting product's diversification and taking advantage of enterprise core capacity through POT from perspective of theory of enterprise core capacity. Research Value: We uncover the policy implication of POT to international growth of micro enterprise and solving difficulties of current export of macro government.
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期76-93,共18页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(13YJA790099) 辽宁省社会科学规划基金重点项目(L14AJL002)资助
关键词 新常态 稳增长调结构 贸易模式创新传递贸易 多产品出口企业 New Normal Steady Growth and Adjusting Structure Innovation of TradeMode Pass-on Trade Multi-product Exporting Firm
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