
应用型人才培养模式下英语精读课课前演讲的阶段性设计、实践与反思 被引量:1

The Phased-designing, Practice and Reflection of the Presentation of the English Intensive Reading Course under the Cultivation Mode of Applied Talents
摘要 本文通过笔者四年跟踪型教学实践、调查问卷及学生访谈的结果,分析呈现出英语精读课课前演讲阶段性设计的全景,将课堂上该教学环节的设计进一步细化并融入应用型人才培养所着重关注的听说能力、思辨能力、创新能力和语言综合实践能力,希望该项研究能够填补以往高校针对该核心课程教学研究中所缺乏的整体阶段性设计,突出应用型高校英语专业人才培养的特色,以适应市场对多层次外语人才的需要。 Through the author's four years' traced teaching practice, analysis of the result of the survey and students' seminar,this paper shows the whole view of the phased-design of the presentation of the English intensive reading course, further refines the particular teaching process, and integrates the focus of the abilities of applied talents, like listening and speaking ability, critical thinking ability, innovation and comprehensive practical language ability. It is hoped that this research can contribute to fill up the missed overall phased-designing of this core-curriculum in the teaching research of universities, highlight the characteristic of talents cultivation of English major students in applied universities so as to meet the multi-leveled demand of the market toward the foreign language talents.
作者 田慧
出处 《科教文汇》 2016年第35期167-168,181,共3页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 2016校级课题"应用型人才培养模式下英语精读课课前演讲的阶段性设计 实践与反思"的支撑材料
关键词 应用型人才 英语精读课 课前演讲 阶段性设计 applied talents intensive reading presentation phased-designing
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