RFPA-HF(Rock Failure Process Analysis-Hydraulic Fracturing)是基于有限元技术的模拟新方法,适用于模拟分析非均质岩石条件下压裂裂缝的起裂和扩展。通过对该方法的机理分析确定其针对非均质岩层压裂模拟的准确性,建立了一种新的细观单元渗流-应力-损伤耦合模型,并将其应用于滩坝砂储层压裂模拟中,取得良好结果。通过模拟得知在以薄互层为特点的滩坝砂储层中,对于垂直井和水平井来说,形成有效裂缝所需的压裂压力值差异不大,考虑产能因素应采用水平井开发。基于RFPA-HF技术的数值实验方法,对压裂相关设计、施工具有参考和指导意义。
RFPA-HF( Rock Failure Process Analysis-Hydraulic Fracturing)is a new method of simu- lation based on finite element technique. It is applicable to the analysis of the fracture initiation and expansion laws during fracturing under anisotropic condition. The reliability of the method towards the simulation of fracturing in anisotropic reservoir through mechanism analysis is confirmed. Also a microcosmic model of allegiance among seepage, stress, damage is established and is used in the simulation of fracturing in beach-bar sand reservoir. It works out well. The results of simulation show that horizontal well is more suitable than vertical well in beach-bar sand reservoir for the reason of production. The system based on RFPA-HF method supplies reference to the design and operation.
XIAO Wen(Oil Production Technology Research Institute, Shengli Oilfield, Dongying 257000, Shandong, Chin)
Journal of Chengde Petroleum College