
不同地区柚木人工林生长及土壤理化性质的研究 被引量:11

Research on the Growth of Teak( Tectona grandis) Plantation and Soil Physicochemical Properties in Different Regions
摘要 [目的]通过对不同地区13年生柚木人工林的标准地调查,研究柚木人工林的生长状况与土壤理化性质,以期为柚木人工林的立地选择和经营管理提供科学依据。[方法]在云南勐腊、广东揭阳、海南中南部设置48个20 m×20 m临时标准地,调查标准地内柚木生长,分层采集土壤样品测定土壤理化性质,研究不同地区柚木生长和土壤理化性质的差异及相关关系。[结果]表明:13年生勐腊柚木人工林标准地的平均树高、胸径、单株材积和蓄积量分别为14.4 m、16.82 cm、0.226 m^3、192.0 m3·hm-2,显著优于海南、揭阳的;勐腊土壤粉砂粒含量高,p H值高,盐基饱和度高,柚木生长好;揭阳的土壤黏粒含量高,p H值低,全N和全K含量低,交换性Ca^(2+)、Mg^(2+)含量极低,因而,柚木生长比其它两地差。柚木生长与土壤粉砂粒含量、p H值、全K、有效Zn^(2+)、有效Fe^(2+)、Fe3+、交换性Al3+、交换性Ca^(2+)、交换性Mg^(2+)和盐基饱和度等紧密相关。[结论]柚木在通气透水性较好的粉砂质壤土的生长比砂壤土、重壤土好;土壤的酸度对柚木生长影响显著,在强酸性、交换性Al3+和有效Fe含量高的立地,柚木生长极差;在全N、全K、有效Zn^(2+)、交换性Ca^(2+)、交换性Mg^(2+)和盐基饱和度含量均较高的立地上,柚木生长最好。 [Objective]To study the growth of teak( Tectona grandis L. f.) plantation and the soil physicochemical properties in different regions,so as to provide references for site selection and management of teak plantation.[Methods]A total of 48 sample plots with size of 20 m × 20 m in 13 year-old teak plantations were set up in Mengla of Yunnan Province,Jieyang of Guangdong Province and Sanya and Wuzhishan of Hainan Province for surveying the growth of teak and analyzing soil chemical and physical properties. [Results]The growth of teak in Mengla,with the average height,diameter at breast height,individual volume,stand volume of 14. 4 m,16. 82 cm,0. 226m3,and 192. 0 m3·hm- 2respectively was significantly better than that in Jieyang and Hainan Province. The soil of Mengla has more silt content,higher p H,and higher base saturation than the other two sites. However,the growth of teak in Jieyang was worse than those in the other two sites due to more clay,low p H and low content of total N,total K,exchangeable Ca^(2+),and exchangeable Mg^(2+). The growth of teak has high correlation with the silt content,p H,total K,available Zn^(2+),available Fe^(2+)、Fe3 +,exchangeable Al3 +,exchangeable Ca^(2+),exchangeable Mg^(2+)and base saturation on soils. [Conclusion]Teak grows better in silty loam with good drainage system than in sandy loam or heavy loam. The soil acidity has significant influence on the growth of teak. Teak would grows very poor onstrong acid soil with high concentration of soil exchangeable aluminum and available iron. However,teak grows best on sites that moderately acid with high levels of total N,total K,available Zn^(2+),exchangeable Ca^(2+),exchangeable Mg^(2+)and base saturation.
作者 杜健 梁坤南 周树平 李碧均 周再知 DU Jian LIANG Kun-nan ZHOU Shu-ping LI Bi-jun ZHOU Zai-zhi(Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Guangzhou 510520, Guangdong, China)
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期854-860,共7页 Forest Research
基金 "十二.五"国家科技支撑课题"柚木和西南桦珍贵用材林定向培育技术研究与示范"(2102BAD21B01)
关键词 柚木人工林生长 土壤理化性质 相关性 growth of teak soil physicochemical properties correlation analysis
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