

Practice Research in Recruitment and Management of External Teachers in Youth and Children's Palace——Taking Dance Department of Hangzhou Youth and Children's Center as an Example
摘要 外聘教师在青少年宫发挥着重要作用,但随着外聘教师队伍不断扩大,问题逐渐显现,如外聘教师招录标准不统一不明确;教师培训缺数量缺质量缺针对性;考评机制不健全少实施;教育教学能力整体不高;教师队伍流动性大等。舞蹈部提出了从岗前培训到岗位聘用,再到岗中培训与过程性考核的一系列举措,如看品德、测专业,做师训、熟业务,结师徒、促成长,建考评、激热情等,以此来培育一支有责任心,有专业素质,又富有创新精神的外聘教师队伍。 External teachers have played a very important role in youth and children's palace. However, some problems have emerged as the team of external teachers is getting larger, for example, lack of consistent and ambiguous recruiting standards, lack of quantity, quality and target in teachers' training, lack of implimentation of evaluation mechanism, lack of enough teaching ability and stability in the teaching team, etc. In order to form a responsible, professional and innovative team of external teachers, the department of dance has come up with a series of measures in pre-job training, post employment, on-the-job training and formative assessment. Those measures include personal character evaluation, test of skills, teaching training, business promotion, tutor with apprenticeship, growth promotion, performance evaluation and passion building, etc.
作者 沈凤羽
出处 《青少年研究与实践》 2016年第4期66-69,共4页 Youth & Children Research and Practice
关键词 外聘教师 聘用 管理 external teacher recruit management
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