
《基本法》与“一国两制”实施的回顾与反思 被引量:6

Reflection upon the Implementation of the Basic Law of HKSAR and the Policy of “One Country, Two Systems”
摘要 1990年由全国人民代表大会通过的《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》赋予了香港特区政府高度的自治权,同时中央政府也保留了若干重要的权力,以确保国家主权得以体现和在必要时得以行使。在香港特别行政区的政改或民主化过程中,中央政府和特区的行政和立法机构都有其各自的角色,体现出"一国"和"两制"、国家主权原则和香港特别行政区民主自治原则的某种平衡。但由于"一国两制"中"两制"的差异和潜在的矛盾,关于《基本法》的争议也很激烈,"反对派"的立场与中央和"建制派"的立场迥异。"一国两制"的道路如何成功地走下去,主要决定于"两制"中的两种不同政治体制和政治文化能否在"一国"的框架内维持比较和谐的关系。"一国两制"事业的成功和"可持续发展",有赖于在"一国"和"两制"之间走出一条兼顾及平衡国家主权原则和特别行政区高度自治原则的中庸之道或中道,以达至香港繁荣稳定的局面。 The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passed at National People's Congress grants Hong Kong high degree of autonomy. At the same time, the central government retains some important powers to ensure the administration of Hong Kong is in accordance with the principles of state sovereignty and exercise the state sovereignty when necessary. In the political reform and democratization of HKSAR, the central government and the administrative and legislative branches of HKSAR play their own roles, revealing a balance between "one country" and "two systems", between state sovereignty and the democratic autonomy of HKSAR. However, due to the differences and the underlying contradictions between the "two systems", there have been very heated debates over the Basic Law of HKSAR in which the opposition's position is completely different from that of the establishment. The successful implementation of "one country, two systems" policy depends on the harmonious relationship between the two different political systems and cultures rather than opposition to each other under the framework of "one country, two systems". The success and sustainable implementation of "one country,two systems" policy depends on finding a middle ground between "one country" and "two systems" which balances the principle of state sovereignty and the high degree of autonomy of HKSAR so as to achieve a win-win situation for Hong Kong and mainland.
作者 陈弘毅
机构地区 香港大学法学院
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期31-36,共6页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
关键词 香港特别行政区基本法 一国两制 主权 自治 民主 解释 争议 the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region "one country two systems" sovereignty autonomy democracy interpretation dispute
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