We report the comparative studies of Me_2(CH_2Cl)SiCN and Me_3SiCN in the catalytic enantioselective cyanation reactions of aldehydes, which were catalyzed by the merger of 5 mol% Jacobsen's catalyst(salen)AlCl(R,R)-1 and 6 mol% ylide 2a, and are conducted at-50 ℃ using i-Pr2 O as the solvent. This was based on our recent finding that(R,R)-1 could be effectively activated by ylide to form an enhanced chiral Lewis acid. Generally, the use of Me_2(CH_2Cl)Si CN as the cyanating reagent afforded obviously higher activity in the reaction of all the aldehydes we examined, along with by-and-large similar enantioselectivity. This further suggested that Me_2(CH_2Cl)SiCN might be useful cyanating reagent to develop reaction involving the use of less active substrates. Under the indicated condition, aromatic aldehydes worked well to give the desired adducts in up to 99% yield and 94% ee, but the reactions of vinyl aldehydes and aliphatic aldehydes were not successful. All the reactions were performed by the following general procedure. To a 4 m L vial were successively added complex(R,R)-1(30.3 mg, 0.05 mmol), ylide 2a(22.6 mg, 0.06 mmol) and i-Pr_2O(1.0 m L). The resulting solution was stirred at-50 ℃ for 0.5 h before the addition of aldehydes(1.0 mmol) and the cyanating reagent, Me_2(CH_2Cl)SiCN or Me_3Si CN(250 μL, 2.0 mmol). After TLC analysis indicated the full consumption of the aldehydes, the reaction mixture was filtrated with a pad of silica gel and eluted with Et_2O. The filtrate is concentrated under reduced pressure to give a crude residue for column chromatography purification. In contrast, when Me_2(CH_2Cl)Si CN is used, both cyanohydrins and its silyl ethers were obtained, so a further deprotection by p-Ts OH is adopted to obtain free cyanohydrins as the only product.
Ye Xu Zeng Xingping Zhou Jian(Shanghai Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry and Chemical Processes, School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062 State Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, Shanghai 200032, China)
Acta Chimica Sinica