‘连玉糯1号'是连云港市农业科学院、上海市农业科学院和上海农科种子种苗有限公司选育的优质、高产、多抗鲜食糯玉米杂交新品种,苞叶包被完整,新鲜嫩绿,籽粒饱满,排列整齐,籽粒白色,有光泽,秃顶少,商品率高,还具有风味好、色泽佳、糯性高、皮薄渣少、抗倒性强等特点。2013年参加多点异地品比试验,平均鲜穗12 600 kg/hm^2,比对照‘苏玉糯5号'增产15.6%;2014年上海市鲜食糯玉米区域试验平均鲜穗12 991.5 kg/hm^2,比对照‘申糯2号'增产12.2%;该品种生育期89.4 d左右,品尝品质综合评分85.5分,适合上海及周边地区栽培。
' Lianyunuo 1' , bred by Lianyungang Academy Agricultural Sciences and Shanghai Nongke Seeds and Seedlings of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai Academy of Company Limited, is a new waxy maize hybrid with good quality, high yield and high disease resistance. Its bracteal leaves and peridia are complete, fresh and verdant, its seeds are plump, and glossy and white in color, and its ears are neat in seed permutation and have less bald heads and a high commodity rate. The cultivar also have such advantages as good taste,good color ,thin peel and less residue as well as high lodging resistance. In the multiple-site varietal yield test in 2013 cultivar' s average fresh ear yield was 12 600 kg/hm^2 and 15.6% higher than that of the control ' Suyunuo 5 , the ' ;In Shanghai regional test of table waxy corn in 2014, its average fresh ear yield was 12 991.5 kg/hm^2, increasing by 12.2% over that of the control ' Shennuo 2' ; Its growth period was about 89.4 d, and its overall taste quality score was 85.5. The cultivar is suitable for planting in Shanghai and its surrounding area.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai