本研究采用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测不同日粮能量水平对五指山猪初情期性腺轴Kiss-1、GPR54基因mRNA水平表达的影响。结果显示,在NRC和0.7 NRC两组实验猪的下丘脑、垂体、卵巢组织中均检测到Kiss-1、GPR54基因mRNA水平的表达;NRC组在下丘脑和卵巢kiss-1 mRNA表达量显著高于0.7NRC组(p<0.05),在垂体中的表达差异不显著(p>0.05);日粮能量水平对初情期性腺轴GPR54 mRNA表达差异不显著(p>0.05)。说明KISS-1/GPR54系统对动物初情表达的调节作用可能是通过调节下丘脑KISS-1基因的表达来实现。结果表明kiss-1 mRNA的表达规律在NRC组和0.7NRC组间保持一致,表达量依次为:下丘脑>垂体>卵巢;GPR54 mRNA的表达规律在NRC组和0.7NRC组间也保持一致,表达量依次为:卵巢>垂体>下丘脑,表明不同日粮水平的摄入并不影响Kiss-1、GPR54基因在各个组织中的表达规律。
The real time quantitative PCR was used to detect the effect of dietary energy level on Kiss-1 and GPR54 mRNA expression of HPGA in puberty of Wuzhishan sows. The results showed that Kiss-1 and GPR54 mRNA were expressed in hypophysis, oophoron and hypothalamus of the NRC and 0.7 NRC groups. And the expression of kiss-1 mRNA was higher in hypothalamus and oophoron of the NRC group than 0.7 NRC group (p〈0.05), there was no significant difference in effect of dietary energy level in hypophysis (p〉0.05). There was no significant difference in effect of dietary energy level on GPR54 mRNA expression of HPGA in puberty of Wuzhishan sows (p〉0.05). It showed that the effect of puberty of Wuzhishan sows maybe be decided by the expression of KISS 1 mRNA. This experiment also be obtained that in the two groups the expression of kiss-1 mRNA distribution order in the three tissues were hypothalamus〉hypophysis〉oophoron. And in the two groups the expression of GPR54 mRNA distribution order in the three tissues were oophoron〉hypophysis〉hypothalamus. It showed that the dietary energy level could not influence the expression pattern of the Kiss-1 and GPR54 mRNA of HPGA in puberty of Wuzhishan sows.
Genomics and Applied Biology