
不同堆煤工况下的落煤塔结构静力特性研究 被引量:3

Static characteristics of structure of coal drop tower in different conditions of coal pile loading
摘要 针对GB50583-2010国标出台之前,落煤塔结构的布置规则、设计标准无参考依据可循以及结构的赋存条件在时空域的复杂多变性等因素,从而导致结构的设计施工通常以工程经验值为参考、常规理论计算无法反映结构真实受力状态等现象。本文以山西阳泉某矿3#落煤塔为工程背景,利用ANSYS软件对结构在25.0 m最大堆煤高度下360°、270°、180°、90°扇形堆煤角和无堆煤的5种作用荷载工况进行了有限元计算,通过对结构的径向位移和应力等参数的对比分析,得出了静力特性的变化规律、最不利荷载工况、最大应力区域、皮带机水平拉力导致结构产生最大位移等重要结论,希望对该结构的理论研究和工程设计工作起到理论指导作用。 Due to no reference to follow for the layout rule and design standardcoal of drop tower structure and the complicated variety of structure occurrence conditionin timporal spatial domain before GB50583-2010 enforced,which resulted in the design and construction of structure to take engineering experience value as reference and the conventional theoretical calculation can not reflect the real force state of structure. The paper took 3^#coal tower of Yangquan mine in Shanxi province as the engineering background,and used ANSYS software to calculate the working load conditions for 360°,270°,180°,90° sector reactor coal angle and no reactor coal under the maximum reactor coal height of 25 m. Based on the comparative analysis of vertical and ring direction displacement and stress parameters,it got the change law of static feature,the biggest unfavorable load condition,the maximum stress region and the maximum displacement of structure induced by horizontal tensile force of belt conveyer. The result can provide the role of theoretical guidance for theoretical research and engineering design.
作者 吴春野
出处 《水资源与水工程学报》 2016年第5期185-188,共4页 Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering
关键词 落煤塔 煤堆荷载 静力特性 有限元 不同工况 coal drop tower coal pile loading static characteristics finite element different conditions
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