

Research on student charter in UK higher education institutions
摘要 自1993年政府建议高校制定学生宪章后,英国大多数高校陆续颁布自己的学生宪章。学生逐渐地走入高等教育体系的核心位置,学生的地位和角色得到空前的重视。通过分析英国学生宪章产生的主要背景、学生宪章的基本内容和特点,发现学生宪章对加强学生主体地位、扩大学生参与,进而提高高等教育质量有重要的意义。 Most British colleges and universities have issued their own student charter since the government suggested making it in 1993. Students gradually have being the heart of higher education system,their status and role have recieved unprecedented attention. In this paper,the background,the main content,the core characteristics of student charter will be analyzed to explore that student charter has an important significance on strenthening students' main body status,expanding student participation,and improving the quailty of higher education.
作者 刘烨 Liu Ye(College of education, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350108, China)
出处 《教学研究》 2016年第6期1-6,共6页 Research in Teaching
关键词 英国 高校 学生宪章 高等教育 British higher education institutions student charter higher education
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