目的 寻找修复矫治隐匿型阴茎误行包皮环切术后皮肤短缺的适宜方法 ,以其达到最佳矫治效果。方法 在弄清阴囊皮肤结构特点及其血液供应、神经支配的情况下 ,设计用阴囊纵隔翼型皮瓣修复在早期做过包皮环切术的隐匿型阴茎皮肤短缺。结果 用此种方法矫治 6例患者 ,术后即获得立竿见影的良好效果。随访 6~ 1 2个月 ,阴茎外形满意 ,发育良好。结论 以阴囊前血管神经软组织为蒂设计形成翼型皮瓣即能保证皮瓣的血液供应 ,又不会引起供区其余阴囊皮肤的坏死。用该皮瓣修复包皮环切术后隐匿型阴茎皮肤短缺 ,具有供区与受区邻近、结构相似、取材方便、皮源充足、血运良好、带有感觉、愈合能力强等优点。理想的解决了阴茎的外观和功能。
Objective To develop a method for repairing skin defect of concealed penis after inappropriate circumcision. Methods The wing-like skin flap with scrotal septal vascular pedicle was designed and applied in 6 patients with skin defect of concealed penis after circumcision. Results All operations were successful. During a follow-up period of 6~12 months both the shape and development of the phalluse were satisfactory. Conclusion The repair of skin defect of concealed penis after circumcision by this way is one of best choice. This method had some merits such as the tissue flap has a good blood supply, easy to elevate and penis and gives a good appearance following correction.
Journal of Practical Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery