
法国庭前认罪协商程序之借鉴 被引量:18

The French Pretrial Confession Procedure and its Inspiration
摘要 庭前认罪协商程序是法国立足自身刑事诉讼实践之现实需求和主动移植英美法系国家辩诉交易制度后建立的新型诉讼程序,具有案件管理精细化、庭前认罪程序推进程式化、专业化以及监督机制严密化等优点,但也存在司法参与单一化、程序引导被动化以及程序推进载体不足等弊端。我国应积极借鉴法国庭前认罪协商程序的实践经验,从刑事诉讼司法观念更新转变、刑事诉讼制度整合对接以及刑事司法模式转型升级等方面构建中国特色的认罪认罚从宽制度。 The pretrial plea bargaining procedure in France is a new procedure of based on both the own practice of France and the transplantation of the plea bargaining in Anglo American law system. It has a series of advantages,such as the refining of case management,the proceduralization of pretrial confession,professionalization and the severization of supervision mechanism. However,it also has some disadvantages,such as the singularization of judicial participation,the passivization of procedural guidance and the lack of procedure carrier. China should actively learn from the French pretrial plea bargaining procedure and construct our own leniency system of guilty plea by changing the judicial idea on criminal litigation,integrating the criminal procedures and upgrading the criminal litigation system.
出处 《国家检察官学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期43-52,共10页 Journal of National Prosecutors College
基金 2016年度最高人民检察院检察理论研究重点课题"认罪认罚制度中检察职能发挥问题研究"(GJ2016B15)的阶段性成果
关键词 庭前认罪协商 认罪认罚从宽 控辩关系 控审分离 诉讼分流 Pretrial Plea Bargaining Leniency System of Guilty Plea Relationship between the Prosecutor and the Defender Separation between the Prosecutor and the Judge Case Split-flow
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