
用马克思主义观点审视先秦文化元典 被引量:1

An Analysis of Cultural Classics of the Pre-Qin Periods from Marxism Perspective
摘要 春秋战国时期,百家争鸣,一大批思想家从各方面思考社会发展中伦理、道德、礼仪、法制等方面的问题,留下了大量论著。这些论著给后代以长久的影响和无限启迪,是中国文化的元典。自汉武帝"独尊儒术",意识形态归于一统,不仅儒家思想不断被曲解,先秦诸子其他几家也被掩盖与曲解;近大半个世纪中,由于历史的原因也未能真正用马克思主义分析先秦各家思想,存在着简单化、贴标签的现象,把一些复杂的问题简单化。论各家各派,重在论一家与一家之异,而忽略了一家内部之异与各家间的影响流变。慎到与韩非同为法家,但思想上有很大区别,慎到的法制思想与今天的法制思想颇多一致之处,其"势"的思想反而与庄周的思想一致。纵横家是先秦诸子中最受诟病的一家,但《鬼谷子》一书实开我国古代心理学、人际关系学等之先河。道教从宗教的方面看并不是很严密、完善,应与中国古代很早就产生了无神论思想,而且这些思想包含在一些重要的典籍中有关。这些问题都是以往的研究所忽略了的。 During the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods,there were vying schools of thoughts,and a multitude of thinkers reflected on various issues related to social development from different perspectives,such as ethics,morals,rites and legal system.As a result,numerous treatises came into being,and they have been influencing and inspiring later generations,which contributed to the formation of Chinese cultural classics.However,Confucianism gained monopoly status under the reign of Emperor Wu in the Han Dynasty,and the ideology became no longer diverse,leading to the constant misinterpretations of Confucianism and even the oblivion of other schools originated in the Pre-Qin Periods.More than half a century failed to witness the interpretations of schools of thoughts from the perspective of Marxism for historical reasons,which caused the interpretations of the classics either too simplified or muffled by certain inappropriate labels.Moreover,when they came to compare different schools,what they focused was not so much on internal differences within a certain school and its relationships with its counterparts as on external differences among other schools.This paper found that the following aspects were neglected in the previous studies:Shen Dao and Han Fei were both disciples of Legalism,but there's a discrepancy in their ideas.The idea of legal system endorsed by Shen Dao bears a striking resemblance to that of today,while his thought of Power("Shi")is in line with that of Zhuang Zi;Among all the schools bloomed in the Pre-Qin Periods,school of Diplomacy received most criticism.However,its book of Gui Gu Zi served to usher in a new era of psychology and interpersonal relations studies in ancient China.From religious point of view,Daoism is far from strict and complete,but it is due to the fact that atheism came into being during earlier times in China and was later embodied in some important cultural classics.
作者 赵逵夫
出处 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期28-33,共6页 Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目"<全先秦汉魏晋南北朝文>编纂整理与研究"(10ZD&103)
关键词 文化元典 先秦诸子 道家 法家 纵横家 无神论 道教 cultural classics schools of thoughts in the Pre-Qin periods Daoism Legalism School of Diplomacy Atheism Religious Daoism
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