
论南京保卫战中的唐生智 被引量:1

Discussion of Tang Sheng- chih in the Battle of Nanjing
摘要 南京保卫战是抗战初期一次重要的战役。南京保卫战的中国守军统帅——南京卫戍司令部司令长官唐生智在这一战役中的功过是非,长期以来,一直引起军事界和历史学界的争论。笔者通过对唐生智在南京保卫战期间的活动、表现作一耙梳整理,指出唐生智在国难当头、敌大军压境之时,率领残缺疲败之师,与优势之敌相抗,表现了爱国精神与杀敌报国热情,应当肯定;但他在战前未能知己知彼,谨慎考虑,详细计划,贸然承担守城重任,在组织、指挥南京保卫战中层层防守、被动挨打、能力低下、乏善可陈;而在组织中国守军撤离南京时,惊慌失措、放弃指挥,甚至丧失军事道德,先期而逃,导致约十万军队群龙无首,撤退混乱,最后落入敌人重围中,被屠杀。唐生智成为这场战役的罪人。而抗战初期国民政府实行的片面抗战路线和被动挨打的消极防御阵地战,则是唐生智指挥南京保卫战惨败的最根本原因。 The Battle of Nanjing is an important battle in the early stage of Anti -Japanese War. The discussion regarding the merits and faults of the commander of Chinese troops - the garrison commander of Nanjing, Tang Sheng - chin, has been heatedly discussed among historians. The writer of the this paper lists Tang' s events and performances during the battle, and points out that Tang had demonstrated his patriotism when he led his exhausted troops to fight against the well - equipped Japanese troops as they pushed towards Nanjing; however, he failed to plan the battle and obtain enough enemy intelligence before the battle and hastily undertook the responsi- bility to defend the city, and showed a lack of military skills when defending Nanjing ; what is more, Tang panicked and even threw away his military moral principles and fled first when he organized the troops to evacuate, and as the result, tens of thousands of Chinese troops had no order to follow because the commander fled first and were sieged by Japanese troops and then slaughtered afterwards. Tang was the one to blame for the failure of the battle. The strategy of partial resistance against Japanese invasion of the Nationalist Government in the early stage of Anti - Japanese War and the positional warfare tactics are the fundamental reason to the disastrous defeat of the Battle of Nanjing.
作者 经盛鸿
出处 《日本侵华史研究》 2016年第4期58-71,共14页 Japanese Invasion of China History Research
关键词 南京保卫战 唐生智 爱国精神 能力低下 军事道德 The Battle of Nanjing Tang Sheng - chin Patriotism Lack of military skills Military moral principles
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