This paper uses factor analysis and clustering a- nalysis for the market segmentation of the market of the fans of the Provincial Team of Women' s Volleyball of Jiangsu. Market segmentation can help club to establish clear and comprehensive knowledge of fans market with certain standards, and then the club can meet the fans' diversified demand and greatly improve the efficiency of marketing activity. Consulting diffident kinds of dimension of market segmentation and considering the actual needs of the the Provincial Team of Women' s Volleyball of Jian- gsu, this paper simplifiy 9 variables to 3 common factors by factor analysis, such as the buying intention of the li- censed products, the degree of sports participation, the i- dentification of the team. And then this paper uses cluste- ring analysis to divide the fans into 5 categories on the ba- sis of the 3 dimensions , such as active type, non motor type, high degree of recognition type, neutral type, low degree of recognition type. After the segmentation, all types of the fans have shown their distinctive characteris- tics, and the fan market has also shown some characteris- tics as a whole. This research put forward some specific measures for all types of the fans.
Joournal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education:Natural Science
the market of fans
market segmentation
clustering analysis
actor analysis